The city of Kobe is located on the island of Honshu and is known for being one of the most vibrant cities in Japan.
The city is located on a scenic harbor and also has its own mountain which offers sweeping views across the region.

Great Reputation Earned by 10+ Years Successful Track Record

Property Management and Property Investment: With more than 10 years’ experience managing investment properties of foreign nationals, ranging from whole-building investments to single unit investments, we are proud of our reputation as a reliable, hands-on property manager.

As the top English-speaking real estate and property management company in the Kobe area, we have broad market knowledge of the real estate investment market and an extensive network of professionals to handle anything from locating tenants, repairs and renovations, to completing build outs. One of Core Eight’s unique strengths is its ability to put together a team of creative professionals (designers, architects, high end suppliers, and construction companies) to reform (or renovate) your investment property that is tailored to your budget and taste.

Kobe Sign

These professionals can help you with legal, tax, incorporation, immigration and inheritance matters.

Luxury Properties: Core Eight offers an unsurpassed inventory of luxury properties, both residential and commercial, available for personal or business use or as an investment property. Rica’s in-depth knowledge of market trends and luxury inventory gained her a solid national and international reputation as the go-to person in the Kobe and surrounding luxury property real estate market. has made her the go-to person.

Her in-depth knowledge of the real estate industry and each individual luxury property ensure that Core Eight can find the best luxury property for you! As one real estate savvy client explained, “paired with Rica’s energetic and confident disposition, extensive real estate knowledge makes her a one-stop shop when it comes to buying, selling, renting, leasing, building, managing and flipping real estate.”  See testimonials

Core Eight Excels at Bridging Communications!

The entire Core8Eight team is bilingual! (Japanese and English)
Our bilingual staff will fully assist your search for your dream luxury property or investment properties to ensure that you understand all the procedures and nuances. We will ensure that there is no misunderstanding, regardless of whether you have lived in Japan a long time or whether you have just arrived.

We provide support and back up for Japanese contract checks, arrangements and negotiations with owner and management company, and, if necessary, accompany you to meetings guarantee companies and mortgage companies.

Kobe Sign
Old and New

We are passionate about Kobe!

The city of Kobe is located on the island of Honshu and is known for being one of the most vibrant cities in Japan.

The city is located on a scenic harbor and also has its own mountain which offers sweeping views across the region.

Core Eight has an extensive network of dedicated professionals!

Legal, Tax and Inheritance: Core Eight’s network of professional are all highly experienced in their fields. Most are fluent in English and have significant experience working with an international clientele. If needed, we also act as a bridge for communications. Our professional network includes:

✓ Lawyers
✓ Shihoshoshi (legal professionals specializing in real estate registration and inheritance)
✓ Gyoseishoshi (legal professionals specializing in immigration and licenses and consents)
✓ CPAs and tax advisors

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These professionals can help you with legal, tax, incorporation, immigration and inheritance matters.

Here are some things our professional network can help you with.

Estate Planning: If you have or want to create a real estate property portfolio as an investor, estate planning is an essential part of any financial plan, but it can be complex—especially when foreign real estate and foreign laws are involved. Click here to learn about 8 essential facts you need to know to simplify your estate planning if you are a non-Japanese citizen living outside Japan, but own real estate in Japan.

Incorporation: As a real estate investor, you might want to explore options for holding and managing your property by establishing some form of a company. We can introduce you to an English-speaking lawyer who can give you advice about which type of entity is beset for you.

Tax Planning: As an investor or as the owner of a luxury, it is essential that you understand applicable tax laws for effective tax planning. We can introduce you to a CPA or a tax lawyer.

Designers, Contractors, Landscape Architects, etc.: One of Core Eight’s unique characteristics is its vast experience in putting together teams on numerous projects to completely renovate and redesign luxury properties from the ground up in a way that perfectly reflects the client’s requirement, usually even exceeding expectations.

These projects range from flipping traditional Japanese farm houses known as “kominka”in a way that retains the spiritual purity of the original materials and craftsmanship while fusing it with more contemporary design, particularly the use of nature and light.

These projects are supported by an extensive network of experienced:

✓ Architects
✓ Designers
✓ Japanese craftsmen
✓ Landscape architects
✓ Contractors
We Speak English

Core Eight has an awesome team!

Team Core Eight is very comfortable working with foreign clients. Based on their own international lifestyle living in Egypt, Thailand, Canada, and the U.S., they understand the cultural differences and nuances involved in buying/selling property and in creating and growing investment portfolios. We are fluent in English and are eager to help you navigate through documents and procedures involved in buying/purchasing or investing in real estate in Japan with simple, easy-to-understand explanations and bridging communications between you and others, including banks, lawyers and other professions!
These fine services earned high marks from not only Japanese customers but also our many foreign customers.

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